Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 5 Part II

Mexican Lasagna ☆☆☆ [pg 46 HFC]
While I had not intended to include main dish recipes in my Reflections, I had to include this one because we all thought it was so good. I tend to purchase hamburger in 5-10 pound quantities, fry it up, and freeze it in 1# packages. Doing that one small step ahead of time made this dish go together very quickly and easily. After sauteing a bit of onion, all the ingredients got dumped together in the fry pan, mixed and then the lasagna layering began. I also saved time by purchasing a package of grated cheese.

As I layered the ingredients, it seemed there should be more of the meat mixture and maybe even a bit more cheese. (Wisconsinites always think there should be more cheese!) I wanted to give this recipe a fair chance as written before doctoring it up, so I proceeded following the directions, or so I thought.

When the dish went into the oven, I read over the recipe again and wondered if the sour cream was to have been mixed in with the other filling ingredients. Because of the order in which the ingredients were listed, I missed putting it in but decided to just try it as the garnish.

The Mexican lasagna smelled wonderful as it baked and we were not disappointed. My original feelings of not enough hamburger mixture were quickly dispelled, and everyone seemed just fine with the sour cream as a garnish for this flavorful dish. The dish earned five stars and will definitely be made again in the exact same way.

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