Monday, March 21, 2011

Week 12 Part I

Upon final consumption of the final Fudge Meltaway, I was seeking another chocolaty dessert, but I didn't want to go to the store. The search was on for a dessert I could make with ingredients on hand. And this was just to satisfy a craving, not to complete a portion of my baking quest. I came across a recipe called "Girls Just Want to Have Fudge"; a low calorie fudge recipe in a random cookbook, and I decided to try it.

Licking the bowl after putting together a recipe is half the fun, right? When the leftover fudge bits had sufficiently cooled, I set to the work of cleaning up the pan, with my tongue. I was not impressed with the morsels in the pan. They seemed dry, not creamy as fudge should be. I attributed this to them being small bits and waited to give the fudge a true test when fully cooled.

Today the fudge got its true test. Upon removing the fudge from the pan, I could see that it was dry, as I presumed it would be. The fudge has peanut butter as an ingredient, and I admit I am not a fan of peanut butter fudge, even with all its fat, so the fudge had two strikes against it before the tasting began.

Sadly, this fudge had no creaminess and not enough chocolate flavor, and I consider these two things most important in a fudge. If I am going to consume calories, let them be good ones, tasty ones. This fudge falls far short. There is not much more to say except, the whole lot, short one small bite, went into the trash.

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