Friday, July 4, 2014


Each time we visit the midwest, particularly when it is a driving trip, I am struck by the lack of fences between yards. We live in the Pacific Northwest, near a very large city, and 90% or more of the homes have a fence to separate your yard from the neighbor's yard. However, in midwest towns, both small and large, I would guess that less than 50% of the homes have a fenced yard.

Which brings to mind the question, "Why?" or better yet "How?" How do you know where to stop mowing? How do you keep your kids from playing in their yard? How do you keep your dog from wandering away? How can anything be private? How do you keep your neighbor's nose out of your business?

But maybe that is the point. Maybe we strive so hard to keep our neighbors out of our business that we wall off relationships and thus begins a downward spiral into sin. If our neighbors see and know then we have to be accountable and we don't want that. We use the fence to set boundaries so we don't have to exercise discipline, and lack of discipline can draw us into all sorts of behaviors that aren't what God has planned for our lives.

If we have a fence, we don't have to teach our kids about boundaries. We don't have to teach our dog to obey commands like "come". But following God is about boundaries and obedience. As Americans, we have rebelled against these two things, we have found the need to construct fences, "walls", so that no one can intrude on our choices to do what we want. We don't have to be disciplined or obedient and we don't have to be accountable.

Today is Independence Day; a day we celebrate our freedom. Many Americans think this means the freedom to do pretty much whatever we want, freedom from accountability and discipline. True freedom is found in Christ. True freedom is having the ability to roam wherever we want whenever we want, but understanding and choosing to limit ourselves—disciplining ourselves and being accountable to others.

Let me suggest that on this Independence Day, you choose to tear down some fences you have built to "protect" yourself. Get to know a neighbor today, or build a relationship with a fellow believer, become accountable to someone, choose to find True Freedom in Jesus Christ.

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